PASSAGE 2019: Nordvest

English summery below

Nordvest er et kvarter udenfor den gamle middelalderby i Helsingør. Nordvest har en blandet boligsammensætning, på den ene side af Kingosvej lejligheder på den anden side af Kingosvej parcelhuse. Omkring blokkene med lejligheder er der grønne områder, hvor børnene tidligere legede i store flokke, men ikke mere. Det offentlige rum er i dag så godt som tømt for børn. Man ser børnene sjældnere og sjældnere.

Lidt længere væk ligger Nordvestskolen og lidt tættere på et indkøbscenter med en Netto som lige er flyttet, et pizzaria og en købmand. Selvom der bor mange mennesker her virker stedet, især om aftenen, øde og forladt. I takt med at det offentlige rum tømmes for mennesker fortæller statistikerne at antallet af borgere med sundhedsmæssige og/eller sociale udfordringer vokser.

In 2018 Helsingør Teater and PASSAGE Festival declared the European Republic from a Balkony at Kingosvej in Nordvest. The decleration took place as part of EUROPEAN BALCONY PROJECT together with more than 100 leading European theatres. The declaration in Nordvest was made by Jon Bedell from Desperate Men in UK.

LUIT “Black Market” opførtes på PASSAGE 2019 i Nordvest. Projektet var en del af Creative Europe Roundabout Europe. “Black Market” blev opført i krydset mellem den lukkede Netto, supermarkedet og pizzariaet og rejste fundamentale spørgsmål om menneskelige relationer og det offentlige rum i det neoliberalistiske samfund.

Nordvest (North-West) is a neighborhood in Elsinore of a mixed population. On the one side of the street you have housing estates with small appartments. Around the buildings you find green pastures where several generations of kids have been playing. Today it is different. The public spaces has emptied itself and hardly anyone is present in the public space. Close by you find quartiers of small detached houses and a small commercial center with a pizzaria and a small supermarket. A Netto supermarket has recently closed and left the area even more desolate. A library is 100 meters up the road. Nordvest has been of huge interest to PASSAGE Festival because a radical ongoing change of the public space is taking place. Interestingly but sadly…parallel to the change of the public space the population of Nordvest are becoming more and more present in statistics indicating health- and social issues.

 Laboratoire Urbain d’Interventions Temporaires (FR) “Black Marked” were performed in Nordvest. The performance was part of Creative Europe residency program “Roundabout Europe”.
LUIT “Black Market” is raising a fundamental question of the public space that has a certain relevance in Nordvest: What do you really want…and if you cannot buy it for money…what do you want to offer to achieve it?”

Projektet blev gennemført i samarbejde med Gang i Nordvest.
Producent: Heidi Engsig.

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