From 2018-21 Helsingør Teater together with Magna VItae will build the new street theatre SO-Festival in Skegness. We are very proud of this cooperation and are looking so much forward to the work. 13-16 November 2017 we had the first run of team meetings and meetings with artists, staff, people of Skegness and with Without Walls and Coasters, inspiring networks whose generosity is essential for our work.
As the Artistic Director I will be responsible for the otucome. But the over all deal is signed by Magna Vitae and Helsingør Teater. The cooperation will extend and expand to a cooperation between two festivals and their teams, a Nordic and a British, where it is the overall ambition to share artistic work, projects and competence.
Delegation and participation will play a crucial role.
All the people of Skegness should of course play a major role in building the festival. But our main focus will be the ones who are not really familiar with the arts.