Circostrada. Rouen // El Beuf

Attending the general meeting of Circostrada in Rouen. Happy reencounter with many good colleagues and friends. Finding time to visiting both the museum and the grave of Gustave Flaubert. An old alcoholic standing outside the museum using the bin for his beer is the most Flaubernesque in Rouen.  The museum … Read more


Been two days to England. Flying to Leeds and from there to Bridlington, a beautiful seaside town joining The Coastal Cultural Network to talk about SO-Festival and the importance of culture and festivals in the remote regions of England. A lot of transport in cars and trains talking to James … Read more

Kulturen i Helsingør savner nogle faste rammer

Frederiksborg Amts Avis, lørdag den 16. juni 2018 LEDEREN AF HELSINGØR TEATER, JENS FRIMANN HANSEN, HER I SIT KONTOR I TOLDKAMMERET, SAVNER SAMARBEJDE OG EN KLART DEFINERET RAMME FOR DE ENKELTE KULTURINSTITUTIONER I HELSINGØR. FOTO: KENN THOMSEN Opsang: Måske har kulturaktørerne i Helsingør fået alt for frie tøjler. Et samarbejde … Read more

Woest “Lucky Shots”

In 2016 Dutch/Belgium company presented a first try out of the performance Lucky Shots in Spoffin-Festival, Amersvoort in Holland. Later I saw the finished show in FiraTarrega, Catalonia.  It is really a new conceptual way of approaching the streets which is really interesting. Firatarrega, 2017 Amersvoort, Spoffin, 2016