New York, januar 2015

Confused & strange notes from trip to New York.

2015-01-11 13.27.58
Not only hiphoppers and gangstas have attitude. This cool mother was not only celebrating her son but also the light of the world. Just to point out where Snoopdog got it from.
2015-01-13 12.16.46
GROUND ZERO. 2015/01/12: “The Size of those two mammout-faced aluminium slabs is annoyingly familiar. I didn’t realize what they reminded me of, however, until I opened a box of stapples” Glenn Collins, New York Times, 1972. The photo is a rist on The High Line.

Saturday 3: Newark

Heavy rain. Train from Newark to Manhattan. A bunch of beautiful teenagers and Rangers fans. NY is allready HERE. Heavy, Heavy rain on Manhattan. Arrives early evening and walks to my hotel in The Village. I am wet to the bone. Receptionist tells me I have a piece of black plastic on my face. POSH.

Sunday 4: Manhattan

Checking out books in Barnes and Nobles and buying stuff at Macy’s. Buy three books about city2015-01-04 10.32.04development but are very interested in The Roosevelts – an intimate story.

Sunday I went walking with my daughter and we passed the statue of Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919). The Teams (NY) Roosevelvis: "Everybody mistakes med for the other one".
Sunday 11 I went walking with my daughter and we passed the statue of Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919). The Teams (NY) Roosevelvis: “Everybody mistakes me for the other one”.

Performance at 3: The TEAM “Roosevelvis”. A roadtrip – Mount Rushmore – Graceland. Evening: Meeting with Yohann Floch & FACE netværk. For now Gail, Kikki and me. Dinnershow: Seven Fingers (CAN) at Paramount Hotel Diamond Horseshoe.

Monday 5: Manhattan

Meeting HEAR. Chrissie and Lotta joins the group. World Trade Center Memorial. We just see it from the outside. Gibney Dance’s coreographic Center. Evening: Bindelstiff – open stage at Dixon Place.

Dixon Place founder and Artistic director Ellie Covan shares power. 12 different curators – 12 different series of programm – 12 different communities in the theatre.


Seminar at Martin E Segal Center NYU

2015-01-07 16.10.46Tele pressing theatre = how to help victims of disasters.
1 = US soldiers. 2 = US artists.
Workshop: An American working with art and social commitment tells us on the very day of the Charlie Hebdo Killings in Paris that her daughter had gone through many struggles to upload a website from a Mcdonnalds in Paris.

2015-01-07 11.23.03

2015-01-06 21.18.20
This photo is from the performance SLEEP NO MORE


The Art of Luv (Part 1)

Friday 9 LA MAMAS seeing GREAT work in progress. Elliot Rodger. School shooter. He thinks he is perfect and yet noone loves him. He is the consequense of healing society – DU MUSS DEIN LEBEN ÄNDERN – THE PERFECT MAN. Noone loves him. He isolates himself and kills the beautiful people in the other world that is not his.

On May 23, 2014, Elliot Rodger killed 6 people and injured 13 in a rampage motivated by his lack of success with women. Royal Osiris Karaoke Ensemble seeks to treat this wound to the body of Love with a group meditation on masculinity, insecurity, and longing – performing humanity's common search for Love as we misunderstand it.
On May 23, 2014, Elliot Rodger killed 6 people and injured 13 in a rampage motivated by his lack of success with women. Royal Osiris Karaoke Ensemble seeks to treat this wound to the body of Love with a group meditation on masculinity, insecurity, and longing – performing humanity’s common search for Love as we misunderstand it.

The fable, told by La Fontaine, begins with Philippe, who, in dedication to God, retired to a mountain cave where his son grew up free from temptation. When, at age twenty, the youth emerged, Philippe truthfully explained to him all that he saw until they came to a party of young women. “What is that?” asked the youth. “A party of geese,” his father replied. “Father, I beg you, let us take one [with us].” The umbrella casts delicate shadows on the women, while the young man’s response leaves little to doubt.
Seeing Nicolas Lancret at MET. THE BLIND DATE PROJECT – Coil Festival by Australian RIDE ON THEATRE. 300 years in

between. Not much is changed. Guy (40 yo) in the performance has been living with his father all his life.

ISPA, January 14th, Timescenter

Marianne Klint and I helping Kristjan Ingimarsson and Jesper Pedersen Pitching AIRPORT at ISPA. It is done. SUCCES.

Slip of the tounge: “It is a multi-chamber media performance”

ISPA – pitching Neander/Kristján Ingimarsson AIRPORT. Last details about to be settled at the bar in East Houston Street.
2015-01-11 16.52.07
On the top of the Rocks.
2015-01-13 15.03.22 HDR
One of few statues in the world to honour  an idea.
2015-01-08 11.15.48
Visiting La Mama. Very special. Artists working on the legacy of a theatre.
2015-01-08 18.18.12
Dinner at New York University. Meeting with old friends from the US-group. Very glad to see them all again. After dinner contemporary circus in Skirball Center.
2015-01-10 13.10.33
Lunch with APAP and FACE GROUP: Yohann, Jordi, Rikko, Lotta, Jens (Gail was also there)
2015-01-10 09.35.56
skyping with my cat

2015-01-11 13.47.572015-01-09 09.47.16

2015-01-08 11.31.58
Lift at La Mamas
2015-01-06 16.54.40
Victory Theatre, Broadway: Jens, Lotta, Chrissie, Yohann (down) Kikki and Helene. FACE group,

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